Thursday, April 15, 2010

LCD Soundsystem, This is (not) Happening (a review)

Some music critics might tell you that there's no such thing as a perfect album. Luckily, I'm not a music critic, at least not by profession. And so it is that I can state, without any potential career-murdering backlash, that LCD Soundsystem's new album, This is Happening, is perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Maybe it's too perfect; for whereas 2007's incredible Sound of Silver grew on me to become an album that I still keep on my prehistoric iPod's playlist (and I make it a rule to have only five albums on my iPod at any time), I've listened to This is Happening three times today already, and listens four, five, and six -- so says my Magic 8-ball -- read "Signs point to yes."

This is Happening is euphoric.

Argument for This is Happening being better than Sound of Silver: Murphy sings a hell of a lot better, there's no "New York I Love You but You're Bringing Me Down," it just is.

Argument against: "Drunk Girls," even though I love "Drunk Girls" and drunk girls.

I love this album so much that I want to marry it.

6/5 *_*

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