Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Weird Science

I ventured into Shanghai for Lunar New Year, and I have no regrets save one: not enough honeybees! Yes, believe it or not, fried honeybees are considered quite the snack in some variations of Chinese cuisine and you should know that they're delectable, awkward appearance notwithstanding. Behold!

For those curious, some of the bees were -as to be expected with fried food- crunchier than others, and some of them were downright soft, yet all were delicious as well as addictive. I'm no food critic, so I won't bore you with an inane attempt to describe the flavor, though nevertheless they're highly recommended.


In other news, did you know that back in the late Eighties, scientists in Montreal, Quebec successfully imbued a simple rose with the cells of a radioactive lizard? Bet you didn't, but it's true, and what's more, that rose served no scientific purpose whatsoever, but that's unimportant. What is important is that this particularly radiant rose was encased within a sphere of bulletproof glass for several years, deprived of any nutrients, and still it remained as healthy as the day it blossomed.

Fast forward to the year 2010, just after the Year of the Tiger commenced. I woke up at the crack of noon in order to pretend to prepare for another day at work, and wouldn't you know it? The peculiar rose blossomed once more, this time well beyond the capacity of any and all protective glass, bulletproof or not.

The result? None other than Murdox as Biollante as Murdox*, bioengineered plant of blackish death!

Don't let that spine-chilling visage frighten you (actually, do let it terrify you, but anyway), for it merely reflects her considerable artistic talents and larger-than-life personality. Word on the street is that she makes a mean Kraft Dinner, too.


This just in!

Sparkles has just informed me that the -inevitable- twentieth Constant Retard shall receive a private audience with the Pope herself, just so long as she's not robotripping at the time (in which case the meeting will be rescheduled to allow for two long days of detox).
