Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Wednesday, December 16

Weather: clowdee

A man was in the kitchen this morning. Christie saw him too. She had an earache and wanted to watch cartoons. She woke me up but I was cold and wanted to sleep more. I gave her a shove like the ones daddy does with his friends when football is on and they get excited. Christie didn't like it. She cried. She said the man in the kitchen didn't have any pants. She's such a baby sometimes. Always is more like it.

I like Christie alot but I don't always show it Mom says. She says I will when we get grown and our agediffer doesn't matter. Dad says like a bees knees she will and he laughs. Dad likes to laugh. So do I and so does Mom and little Christie. I love them all alot.

I feel bad right now because Christie was right. There was a man in the kitchen and like Christie said he didn't have any pants. He didn't have a shirt either. He was as naked as the day he was born is what Mom would have said if she saw him. But Mom was pfast asleep. Dad too. Only me and Christie saw him.

He wasn't a bad man. Bad people take things and hurt people. There are alot of bad mans but he wasn'T one of them. He was just hungry. I think he was starving because he ate a whole box of special K and the baskin robbins icecream and the rolls on the table and the butter. He scared Christie, but she doesn't know yet how to trust people. She thinks Grover is scary and he's not. Now that I'm older I know he just was hungry. Maybe his Mom never gave him anything good to eat.

When Christie started crying he ran outside. He looked really sad. I wanted to give him a scarf because he would be so cold outside without pants or a shirt. But he left before I could.

Dad asked me who drank the eggnog when he got up. I said I didn't but Christie did. She poured it down the kitchen sink i said.

When we grow up I'm gonna hug Christie and tell her all the bad things I said don't matter anymore because we're grown up and better people. THat's what big sisters are for!

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