Saturday, December 12, 2009

7:37 (Alright...Let's Do This.)

**Spoiler Alert! Don't watch this if you're currently playing, or intend to play, Persona 3.**

Paint me curious, but with seven minutes and thirty-seven seconds to enjoy life (after learning the secret of life, as it were), what would you do?

Say what you will; but I probably wouldn't be so altruistic. Then again, you're not me.


  1. I think that what I do with seven minutes and thirty-seven seconds depends on what the "secret of life" is. Y'know? That revelation would likely colour my decision making process a bit. I would *hope* that it would involve hugging the people I love or doing a shot of tequlia ... or maybe just checkng to see if you were online! ^^*

    (I hope I get CWHHA points for that last one!)

  2. Don't forget about the Cheezies.

  3. I'm opting out. Pretty sure I'll play this eventually. You'll have my response in the distant future.
