Friday, November 06, 2009

모두가 아프다

I is hungry. I have a headache. My right eye is still hope that I might be able to, despite the late hour this morning shut down again to sleep, I walked downstairs to the bathroom to pee into the fall. I do this, too tired to stand, sit down.

After flushing, I open the fridge, get a glass bottle is a series two-one liters of mineral water. While I eat my fast-growing hunger and thirst for a pair so my pronunciation being hungover is a sophisticated operation, the water even though it's easy enough to hand a small stream that runs near my chin at the bottom in the morning, I had better go Morning gray shirt.

I lay back upstairs. I dragged it close to my fans turn on. Middle childhood experience insomnia fans whir quiet day in winter, who has helped. I pray for myself who closely will soon overtake me, duvet can draw.

It does not. Although the cave, my belly, and the feeling of hunger was too much to the rest of me is strong. 1000.

I'm in a restaurant delivery 아닌가 rifle next to the stove in the kitchen drawer stuffed fliers get through. Although my appetite is voracious nothing seems tempting. However, Choi Kitchen, so I get to eat. I'm still working their rice gratin, and now has more than a good time.

"Hello?" She asked.

"You open?" That's a stupid question, I do not like his horse. They're open - of course, is almost noon.

"Yes, sir," she answered. "What would you like for you?"

"Rice gratin. And it asked to check 0.4 days have not eaten."

Anyway, she does not appreciate my humor, or is she really thinks. Anyway, I give her my address and disconnected, like in TV shows, without even saying goodbye. So I'm sitting in the living room couch, I'm currently reading: Cold War spy novel, a resume of the airport, its two main characters, double agents to give instructions to each other or their families choose between the assassination of a new identity eulhaeya South America. Has something to do.

Enthralled, it's only when you finish reading the page 78 - Justin Gary's identity will be damaged for! - An hour passed, I realized that my food has not arrived yet. I reach for my cell phone, and Choi, give them a piece of my mind, ready to call.


"Hi, I ordered fried rice, gratin is the man," I am, I go slightly annoyed by the subtle air was clear. "I was just wondering when you go."

"Oh," she and her concern about the problems that can not be farther apart. "When did you call?"

"I told you about 1 hour ago," even though I have never said that.

"Let me check."

Clearly, this woman, she does not care to know about me. If she's just, obviously, I can no longer be the best therapy I know the feeling of hunger, this simple. Her phone number, my last night, Jim beam, and drank the entire bottle for dinner early on dried squid and peanuts until now, my stomach is crying out for nutrients. Where is the fried rice, gratin, gastrointestinal depriver gives?

"Mr. Forbes?" It's her again.

"Only one," I say. God, I want to make your mouth into your phone's receiver.

"Our drivers have an accident. He's now in the hospital via ambulance." Then she added, "another driver soon, will appear within 30 minutes of your order adds."

"That's right," I'm blatantly state. "I'm not hungry anymore."

Then I went into the kitchen to turn on the kettle. I boil water for instant noodles, said.

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