Sunday, October 04, 2009


I mean, if anything, it seems like

Thirty-three seconds of life lost, spent amidst the void. A venomous lacuna, these thirty-three shades of singularly impotent dream. An abscess labeled veracity, coupled with the inflow of oblivion. Yeah.

I mean, if anything, it seems like

Nothing will change, let alone 'run out,' and that's the primary concern. People shall suffer, people shall die, and still, nothing.

I mean, if anything, it seems like

A revelation is in order, but there's no secret to disclose, no epiphany to encapsulate. Thirty-three seconds of retrospectively maddening vapidity, and that's all there is to it.

I mean, if anything, it seems like

A few bones have cracked, a few more are broken, and a compound fracture lies somewhere in the mix. Some desperately territorial canine tirelessly bemoans the disturbance at length. Movement elicits a torrent of sparkling pain; not in the twisted limbs but, rather, the addled brain. Alien Crush is the first thing that comes to mind, even if there is no why.

I mean, if anything, it seems like

Humans are meant to die, yet one refrains. Hooray. So make the most of it, okay?

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