Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Slap Fight

K 11:52 PM
You champion expansion?
11:52 PM

Spark 11:52 PM
Expanding, artistically.

K 11:53 PM
You *champion* expansion?

Spark 11:53 PM
It's a verb. Look it up.

K 11:53 PM
I know what it means.

Spark 11:54 PM
It means enthusiastically encourage.

K 11:54 PM
to support, perhaps, or defend

Spark 11:55 PM
Or, to enthusiastically encourage.

K 11:55 PM
I could see defending expansion, but actively supporting? Let's not pat ourselves on the back too hard, son.
11:56 PM

Spark 11:56 PM
I should oppose expansion, then? You make little sense.

K 11:56 PM
I'm making perfect sense.

Spark 11:57 PM
11:58 PM
Doesn't always indicate defense.

K 11:58 PM
11:59 PM
I mean, if you were employing a bit of hyperbole, I'd applaud.
11:59 PM
But you're trying to be all clever about it.

Spark 11:59 PM
Didn't I just define it for you?

K 12:00 AM
And I proposed several other definitions. But sure, works for me.

Spark 12:00 AM
"enthusiastically encourage," remember?
12:00 AM
Kennan, I don't need a Webster's definition to prove me correct, so stop it

K 12:01 AM
That must be it.
12:01 AM
Great taste in music to boot!
12:01 AM
You're the total package!

Spark 12:01 AM
Cheap shot, and you know it.


  1. [10/28/09 12:15:27 AM] K: I still think you misunderstand.
    [10/28/09 12:15:55 AM] K: I've never, ever seen you champion expansion.
    [10/28/09 12:16:34 AM] Spark: Not Cheetos?
    [10/28/09 12:16:38 AM] K: I've never heard you say, whilst at a bar, "I 'enthusiastically encourage' expansion, and don't you forget it, punks!"
    [10/28/09 12:17:21 AM] Spark: Come on; I champion expansion like a motherfuck.
    [10/28/09 12:17:50 AM] K: ?

  2. Thank you for expanding upon that. Now you're both champions, in my book*.

    *but that book isn't a dictionary, so you could challenge me.**

    **but please don't.

  3. Perhaps you should have linked to the definition of "expansion". If we're talking cosmological... like entropy, then this conversation should have been much different. Not that I don't support the eventually, inevitable dissipation of the universe. I suppose I'm indifferent.

  4. There was an additional comment, one withheld, something that went like "The rotting corpse of Curt Hennig just called. He wants his schtick back, but he lost your number" but that would have made us look like jerks, you know? Gotsta keep it classy here on PK.
