Thursday, October 22, 2009


Green: You can't do this to me! I'm Green!

Blue: Nice try, but no.

Green: I'm the color of grass, of watermelons...

Blue: Think again, asshole.

Green: Of stoplights and...

Blue: Get used to it, bitch.

Green: When did I lose my identity?

Blue: You didn't lose it; I overtook it. You snooze you lose, boyo, and now blue is the new green, sad to say.

Green: This is all just a bad dream.

Blue: Keep imagining that, Fancypants.

Green: Get you, just wait. Ten years, fifteen, or when the sun dies and the human species is eons extinct, I will have my revenge, my moment.

Blue: Make sure it's televised!

Green: Suck.


  1. "blue is the new green"

    Ha! I like that. Real cute.

  2. In a previous stage of development, the story was set up thusly:

    idealjetsam: You can't do this to me! I'm idealjetsam!

    Sparkles: Nice try, but no.

    (and so on)

    I'm not implying that the post has any deeper meaning, but it kinda makes you wonder.

    [The Harbinger of Heavenly Annotation has spoken!]

  3. "The Harbinger of Heavenly Annotation has spoken"

    Nice! Likey,likey ...
