Saturday, October 10, 2009


The Internet has brought us many glorious innovations (free porn, the ability to become a know-it-all via Wikipedia, Natsuko Tohno), but, IMHO, none have been greater than the gift of writing in acronyms and occasionally providing snackfood critique. In that regard, my powers of typing in all caps and observation have been sorely underutilized. Like a motherfuck.

Not a month ago, your friend and Satan's, Kmart, blessed my marriage with a bonus gift of (word to redundancy) Cheddar Jalapeño Crunchy Cheetos, a snack he vetted like Joel Silver vetted the brothers Wachowski. Fortunately, CJCC didn't disappoint, although they're still not better than a) FHC (Flaming Hot Cheetos), b) OSWBOMHATST (onanistic sex with both of my hands at the same time), and c) BTILC (if you have to ask, shame on you).

As far as CJCC goes, it was FWI, despite my UBM the next morning. I fancy myself a snackfood aficionado, so any time I'm introduced to a new taste you can guarantee I'll ETMFULLAAS, 'cuz I'm adventuresome like that. But I would be remiss if I didn't honestly state that CJCC were the CM to FHC's CC. That's just the way it is.

Come to think of it, though, I could go for some BK or CPK RAN, if only they weren't closed. A shame, because I could EMWICB, no lie. But that will have to wait for AT, sadly.

ITMT, here's hoping your beer is cold and your icy heart colder.


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