Sunday, August 30, 2009

Chocolate and Chicken Bones, Vol. 3

- I miss the NFL. The NFL and I amicably broke up before I left for Le Peninsula nine years ago, but still I yearn. I long for Sundays spent on the sofa, me surrounded by chips, dips, and pussy lips/Dan Marino. I caught the final score of this year's Super Bowl 30,000 feet above terra firma. Unfair.

- Kmart, your fiend and mine, is back in Iowa after a bad motorcycle accident. Our prayers are with him.

- I will never, ever be able to grow a beard, and this fact pains me very much. Hey, I like that I've been blessed with genes which make me look a lot younger than my actual age (43), but I'm downright furious that my legs are furrier than a jungle cat, whereas after three days of not shaving I look like an adolescent Mexican teenager.

- I will finish Twilight Princess before JD Salinger dies. I will. So too will I finish reading Stephen King's "Chattery Teeth" and Rockstar Games' Chinatown Wars. Then, Golden Sun, then rewatch Zodiac, then...

- 도망하고싶어.

- Add the number in HBO's series ___ Feet Deep to the letters in the city The Wire takes place in, and you have the answer to why I don't participate in Quiz Night. (Fifteen!)

- John Carpenter made three absolutely classic films: Halloween, Big Trouble in Little China, and The Thing. Let the guy smoke dope all day and watch basketball, because he's paid his fucking dues. Tenfold. I want to see a new Carpenter film like I want to have my balls squeezed.

- Kim Hyesoo's voice is brainfryingly annoying when I'm writing a post while slightly drunk at 10:50 p.m. on a Sunday night. Deliver me from Hyesoo. Please.

- Love:

- Tomorrow, I recover from a weekend of fried food and infrequent bowel movements. Ideally.

Let's be fresh. Yes.

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