Thursday, July 23, 2009


I guess some people would call me an optimist for doing so, but I'll go ahead and state, just for the record, that I believe in the concept of love at first sight. Probable? No. Possible? Yes. More often than not, people are confusing love with lust or longing of some kind. Even so, I am confident that people do, at some point in their brief lives, encounter another human with whom they have an instantaneous connection, and it may just be love. The saddest part about my supposition is that while I do believe in the notion of love at first sight, however unlikely it may be, the likelihood of said emotion being reciprocated in kind is virtually unknown. What are the odds of two people falling in love with one another at first sight? I don't want to know the answer to that question.

Case in Point (Confession!)

I first met Sparkles in October of 2006. I was, ostensibly, one of many folks invited to his annual Halloween Movie Night bash. (How we came first came into contact is another story for another day, but I digress.) We met at Seohyeon Station, at what was then called Samsung Plaza. I was but one of a throng of strapping young lads eager to gorge themselves upon beer and horror films. I must stress that it was a total sausage fest, but at the time, I just figured that was the inevitable outcome of offering beer and horror movies. Naturally.

Fast forward to Casa del Sparkles, home of you know who. After a round of startup beer, Sparkles was very enthusiastic about getting the ball rolling, so to speak. His first selection was Danny Boyle's popular homage to zombie films, 28 Days Later. The room was darkened, the plasma screen hummed, and the film commenced. Everything was normal, so to speak, until approximately ten minutes into the movie, the scene where we, the viewers, are first treated to Cillian Murphy's character. (For those who have yet to see the film, I apologize if this spoils anything.)

Sparkles, who had, coincidentally, been sitting right in front of me, turned around with a grin on his face and said 'Get ready for some cock' to which I laughed nervously in response. (Again, if you've seen 28 Days Later, you know which scene I'm referencing here.)

Granted, Sparkles was heavily inebriated by vast amounts of malt liquor (he started drinking well before anyone arrived) and the thought of Cillian Murphy's penis, and some folks contend that I resemble Mr. Murphy, so it doesn't take a genius to figure this one out.

Ultimately, I had to rebuke Sparkles' advances (and continue to do so on a weekly basis*), but it just goes to show you that love at first sight is indeed possible, even if it's not reciprocated.

*After a deluge of drinks, I'm forced to endure this song time and time again.

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