Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday's List

Exercise regularly
Wear snakeskin pants and metallic colors
Let my hair grow long, and change its color frequently
Wear some makeup, but stick to natural, complimentary colors
Carry a purse
Carry a butterfly knife in that purse
Try to start a band
Oral sex, maybe. Anal sex, no. Lots of sex, yes!
Take some dance lessons
Date, but not marry, a soccer player, European if possible
Smoke Virginia Slims
Eat more salad*
Wish Mel Gibson was a bit younger
Spend time at the beach
Not ready to have kids just yet
Avoid strange men at night
Live somewhere other than Korea
Complain. A lot. About everything.
Prefer dogs to cats
Wear a dobok (도복) around the house
Listen to more hip-hop
Drive a nicer car
Consider breast implants, but probably abstain
Consider getting a tattoo, but only if it's something cool
Pad my bra, but only a little
Own two pairs of high heels
Let other people pay for my drinks
Worry about being raped (or sexually assaulted)
(Try to) Use my looks to get out of trouble
Obsess over the number of carbs contained within three tortilla chips
Pretend to despise video games, although Dance Dance Revolution is an exception to that rule
Avoid farting in public at all costs
Own several bottles of various moisturizers, lotions, and perfumes
Dread the thought of getting older

* taco salad

1 comment:

  1. I like your list. It's a good list. Been reading you for a while, when I was in Korea last, when I escaped, and since I've been back. I like your pictures as well. They're good pictures.
