Monday, May 11, 2009

The PK 27 -- Game No. 17

Year: 1988
Ownership Status: Rental
Players: 2 (teamwork!)
Names of Spacecraft: Vic Viper, and Lord British* (first and second players, respectively)
Objective: Fly into the body of a massive alien invader, and destroy it from within
Konami Code: You better believe it

I wouldn't label Konami's celebrated N.E.S. release the best spaceship shooter ever, but I will contend that it's one of the most entertaining. What better way was there to spend an afternoon with a pal than blowing your way through an alien's massive (and laughably disproportionate) body? **

* The ship's name is Lord British. Really.

** Don't say flipping through an issue of Playboy. (Too easy.)

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