Monday, May 04, 2009

The All-New PK 27 -- Video Games Edition

Longtime readers and archivers of this hallowed blog may remember the PK 27: twenty-seven songs -- and then some -- that we, the illustrious PK brain trust, deemed essential to the Psychedelic Kimchi ethos. And the fact that there is no Psychedelic Kimchi ethos made it all the more fun.

This is going to be sorta like that, only comprised of my and Kmart's favorite time killer not onanism, video games.

But it isn't about our "favorite" games or games we consider the best. No; this list will be about games both past and present that define PK. And since PK is indefinable, "Your guess is as good as mine" is a good maxim to stick to both when reading each entry and when visiting Psychedelic Kimchi. But you already knew that.

Neither is it going contain entries on games we've exhaustively heralded. Which means no Chrono Trigger. No Panzer Dragoon Saga. No Contra 4. No Devil's Crush. No Castlevania (although I may in the future write about my undying affinity for Castlevania: The Adventure and how it's been unfairly maligned by some).

No Double Dungeons.

Intrigued? Probably not. But that's never stopped me before. Trust me, for you Constant Retards who aren't fans of video games, I'll try to make this as painless and as entertaining as possible. You'll just have to trust me.

Still not convinced? All right, here's a preview from the first entry (exaggerated for dramatic effect):

No. 24

Ice Hockey (NES)

"...and that's when my brother thwacked me over the head with his controller. It's not sound to taunt your big brother when you're up 11-3 late in the third period, I discovered; nor is it wise to chant "USSR!" over and over again during the Cold War, especially when it comes to hockey. But I didn't know that."

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