Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Farewell to the Finger

I've been quiet on the basketball front this season (hell, I've been quiet on all fronts lately), but I'm thoroughly excited about these current playoffs -- playoffs during which, fingers crossed, we may well be treated to a plethora of game sevens.

I'll save you -- and me...mostly me -- a lengthy piece on what I'm enjoying so far and what I'm looking forward to, but I would be remiss if I didn't mention that, as much as I love the Heat and Dwyane Wade's resurgence, I'm riding the Portland Trailblazers bandwagon (Blandwagon? Is that unfair?) until the wheels fall off. I was disappointed over Game 1, but Brandon Roy's magnificent performance today re-endeared me to the coolest team in the L to watch.

Still, this is more than a little saddening.

Some things you think will last forever, you know?

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