Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Punch a Hole in the Sky

God bless the Konglish tray Legs bought this afternoon for perfectly expressing how I feel, and how I feel is hung the fuck over.

Flowor Storey:

almost as old as her, seeded, she said, by a passing bird's providential droppings to give her gods and her daughters and daughter's daughters basketfuls on annual flower


As a bonus, here's the prequel:

IGN went gaga over this:

In Bruges: 3/4 Stars


very entertaining film

the scene where the kid gets shot was a bit weak

and the film tried a bit too hard to be witty at points, kinda like a blogger I know.

It appears that we now have four female followers, versus one male follower


We have a male follower?

Ah, Willie G.

Just finished downloading Antropophagus!

I'm making my way to ****** soon to celebrate the day after St. Paddy's.

and you probably haven't A)

Watched Return of the Living Dead

B) Written anything

C) Taken Jikko for a walk

What can I say? Until I build my clientele, my days are short and my nights are long.

That has nothing to do with the three things mentioned above

Well...we took Jikko for a walk yesterday, I wrote a resume today, and I can't find where in Hell I stashed ROTLD.

You're like Lon Cheney

but 1,000 excuses!

Having seen it, maybe YOU could write about the phenomenon that is Taken.

I try to block it from my memory, thank you

That thing's grossed like 150 mil in the States!

It'll end up earning more than Watchmen!

You need some tough love

Anyway, I'm salty at life because I have a Big Fucking Pimple on my neck, right below my Adam's apple. This of course translates to me drinking heavily and not writing on PK (although earlier tonight I was contemplating posting a pic of the TV and Heekyung sleeping on my sofa...which would have been both awesome and potential grounds for divorce).


Don't do it for PK

do it for you

I want to, but what the pictures would imply would be quite unfunny to [Legs] if she read the blog. (Which she probably does. Everybody does.)

that's not what i meant

don't write for pk

write for you

But PK and I are synonymous. And you're beginning to sound like an instructor at a writing camp for aspiring novelists.

oh please

don't try that crap on me

Find your voice, Eoin!

"I don't have a response, so I'll just deflect!"

You're my favorite super hero

A response for what?


I've already grown bored with the conversation

blame MTV


"Write what you know!"

I'm eager to see what you know.

I'm sure I could write an absolute page turner about a 30-year-old egomaniac who masturbates too much.

They did that

It was called 'Murder, She Wrote'

and it became a series

Or 'A Confederacy of Dunces,' minus the page-turner part.

Novel ideas:

How to Smoke and Wear T-Shirts

Mon Ami? Not My Friend (An In-Depth Look at Korea's Shady Ball-Point Pen Racket)

And Then a Bunch of Other Things Happened: The Eoin Forbes Guide to Writing Even Shittier Conclusions to Already Shitty Blog Posts

Descriptions of Pictures of My Cat (Also available in Braille)

From Conan to Spies Like Us: A Leukemia Patient's Life at the Movies

Righteous Sin (I bet a million dollars there's already a book with that title)

Okay, I owe you a million dollars. But there is a band with that name, and they have their own Wikipedia page!

I might end up posting about how my daughter taught me the word "subasize," and how fucked up it is that a kindergartener knows what a rectangular prism is.

Omen V!


Faux-Discordianism is ever so interesting.

Damn you for making me use and still not understanding what "discordianism" means.

but I've a date with the Grim Reaper

And I have a date with Jack Daniels.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Sparkles, This is your sister, Olga. I am now a follower. Feel free to do the same as like teaching, writing also runs in the family. Word to our genes.
