Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hello Hunger, My Old Friend

You'll be missed, Big Tasty. Why McDonald's would choose to remove you from its otherwise lackluster menu is beyond comprehension, and the punks in charge should be ashamed of their hasty, unwarranted decision.

Just the other day, Sparkles phoned to inform me of the change, although that wasn't, technically, the case; he was at the local franchise, shouting at management, and I just managed to pick up the gist of said calamity from the cacophony of distorted voices which emanated from the receiver.

I may disagree with his methods, but I feel the man's pain.


  1. Twas the most calorific of all the burgers... I ordered it once because, ironically, I thought it looked the healthiest sandwich on the menu. I was suprised when it turned up on my tray and was the size of a dinner plate. Is the fillet of fish back yet?

  2. You think the McD's menu sucks in Korea, spend four months in Japan.

    Oh, double cheese burger, where art thou?

  3. McDonald's recently introduced the Quarter Pounder (and DQP) to the Japanese market. Korea's got nothing on that.
