Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Letdown (far from it)

It's 5:30 a.m. local time and I'm staring at my parents' fuzzy computer monitor, which makes me feel like I have a cataract or two, and which I know will lead to a ton of spelling mistakes, but who cares?

I'm home. For the time being.

After a harrowing flight from Tokyo to Detroit -- seriously, it was bad turbulence for most of the flight's 11 hours (see why I fucking hate flying?) -- and 24+ hours of nonstop moving, security checks, and bad pretzels, we touched down in Toronto at 3:35 p.m. and met my fam and the incomparable 18th Letter not long after.

Home, home on the Tundra.

More tales and photos to come when I've gotten my head together. I just wanted to say hi.


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