Sunday, January 18, 2009

This is My Friend Tony

Here at Psychedelic Kimchi, we've been throwing up YouTube videos like Antoine Walker throws* bricks (Warm fuzzy: Miami Heat, 2005-2006 NBA champs). The reason? We're really fucking lazy. I am, anyway; and since the rest of you goons are characters I've invented in my head a la St. Elsewhere, I know you like it. Wait till you see the dildo chair I built for you.

That admission acknowledged, without further adieu I give you the Citizen Kane of sex-ed films, a film I actually witnessed at the ripe old age of twelve. And even though I was by then already sticking my Tiberious Meat Hammer into any hole it would fit in (a word of caution: you might get your Chuck Berry into a shampoo bottle, but getting it out is another matter entirely), I knew I was witnessing greatness.

Behold, Am I Normal?

* threw?

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