Wednesday, January 28, 2009


In case you haven't noticed, I am a sensualist. And, yes, I despise that word, because in Newspeak "sensualist" connotes "pervert." This is not a new thing, I will concede; and I'll save my essay about how the human species is slowly evolving into beings bereft of libidos for another era; but when a photograph so masterfully conjures feelings of lust and desire, you can bet that puritanical outrage and the cold bitch of blasphemous accusations are sure to follow.

Such, I fear, is the case with Lee Hyori.

(You stay sexy, Lee Hyori.)


  1. Dr. Drew says that in a normal person--male or female--a beautiful (hot!) woman will stimulate the same places in the brain that cocaine stimulates for a cocaine addict. Rawr.

    If you're not stimulated, then your brain is probably damaged.

  2. Well, if you're a true sensualist, PK, you could have a picture bigger than 286px × 199px. :>
