Tuesday, January 06, 2009

2009: The Year We Make Contact

Personally, it's been a pretty rough start to 2009, what with me currently battling The Worst Fucking Flu in the History of Influenza. It's now Day Four, and shit won't abate. I tell you, IT WILL NOT ABATE; and even though I've been home from work these past two days, playing Chrono Trigger, drinking mad Welch's Grape (it's like chicken soup for madmen), and watching a shitload of bad movies on cable*, I find no pleasure in it. For I was made

(to love you)

to edit subtitles for poorly translated Korean television programs (that and petitioning McDonald's to introduce the Quarter Pounder to a Quarter Pounder-starved Peninsula), and work calls Daddy like the crack was calling Pookie. Sitting here, in my four-cornered room, staring at candles, I can't help but feel animosity for the virus that currently plagues me. Word to Tom Swift.

Still, there's a lot to loook forward to in the new year. First up is my return to Canada next month for the first time in six years (to avenge the death of my father!). And then there's...well, let's just say there's more. And that it involves time travel. And dinosaurs with guns.


But what I want to do right now is go back. How far am I going back? Way back to the year that was, 2008.

Best Album: TV on the Radio's Dear Science (Runner-up: The Mars Volta's The Bedlam in Goliath)

Best Song: TV on the Radio's "Family Tree" (Runner-up: The Mars Volta's "Goliath")

Best Film: Let the Right One In (Runner-up: The Dark Knight)

...and this, the best moment in television history, from the best show in television history...

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you The McNulty Car-Kick:

The definition of transcendence.

* Universal Soldier! Universal Soldier 2!

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