Wednesday, December 17, 2008


1. I'm neither a Mormon, nor a Latter Day Saint, but I am Perplexed.

2. I can appreciate a good slice of mendacious pie. Lies make the world go round, after all.

3. There are 139,357 published comments. (See numbers one and two, above.)

4. Oh, so that's the origin of people born with darker skin? Golly.

5. Joseph Smith is, apparently, a key player in the Holy Trinity.

6. Where did they find those clowns from the live-action segment and, furthermore, would it be possible for the guys to actually believe what they're saying?

7. Strange. That's the best response I can possibly muster.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...just wow. I'm not sure what your religious stance is, but this video is really freaky. It reminds me of Scientology.
