Monday, November 03, 2008

Not an Order (of Ecclesia Review)

Have you ever removed a skin tag with nail clippers? No fun, folks; or least that's what I've read.

Live blog: the girlfriend just informed me that

(she's pregnant)

it's against the law in Korea for two people to get married if each of their siblings is married to the other's. Far out. Me being the inquisitive bastard I am, I have to ask, "Why?" Incest by association?

Hi ~ My name is Pigi. Pigi and Pogi: small and so cute mini pigs. Is that my ice cream?

I wish I was in Tijuana, eating barbecued iguana.

Nicholas Cage named his son Kal-El. How original-stupid. I, keeping with the theme of naming my offspring after obscure comic book characters, shall name my son Beta Ray Bill. The world rejoices, small African children clap gleefully. (Please don't take my gregarious attempt at humor seriously: my girlfriend is currently riding the University of Alabama, and I -- word to Iggy Pop -- am a passenger. I ride.)

Heavenly shades of night are falling.

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