Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Killers -- Day and Age (Review)

(Don't worry, Kmartian will come around. This isn't anything new.)

Do you know

(about Dokdo?)

that The Killers have released three studio albums in four years, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs only two? I mention this because The Killers' newest, Day and Age, is only a scant 10 songs long. And yeah, I'm a little mad at the fact -- a little at The Killers, a lot at the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. If you're going to release a 10-song album filled with tracks that average just over three minutes, don't make me wait so long, okay? And those songs better be great, every one of them. If they're not, I'm going to be a little pissed off. And I'm going
to have to call Iowa to make sure Kmart didn't pull a Choi Jinsil. (Too soon?)

Come to think of it, I can forgive the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Show Your Bones was short, sure, but it was solid. This is where I can't forgive The Killers. Day and Age? Short, yes; a perfect game? No, sir.

My appetite ain't got no heart.

Day and Age listens like a baseball starter pitches after only a day's rest: it starts out intimidating as hell, business as usual; but it starts to lose its heat around the fifth inning. It manages to get out of a bases-loaded, no-out sixth, but after that the away team -- mediocrity, in this case -- starts tacking on runs and catches up. By the time we reach the first extra inning, our beleaguered hurler is so spent that he ends up blowing the game in remarkable, shameful fashion.

Get 'em next year.

I wish.

Since I'm a firm believer in retribution, here's my short, half-assed review of what I honestly do think is a very good album. You'll have to wait for the Sparkles-Kmart podcast, however, to hear me explain why.


Losing Touch: Just as good as "Jenny was a Friend of Mine" and "Sam's Town" as far as album openers go. No, Kmart! Put down that knife!

Human: A song Black Bolt can't relate to.

Spaceman: Shark jump, or whimsy? Regardless, it's fun. Why so serious?

Joy Ride: Joy ride!

A Dustland Fairytale: Brandon Flowers should probably stop playing the piano. Not now but right now.

This is Your Life: It's about eating the same sandwich every day and smoking too much. It's like they know me!

I Can't Stay: I can't listen.

(Seventh inning stretch: I'd probably sell my soul for a propulsive "When You were Young" song. Not going to happen. Lamentable. The sun is beating down my neck.)

Neon Tiger: A neon tiger? I'd like to see that!

The World We Live In
: Korea just bought half of Madagascar for free! No, really.

Goodnight, Travel Well: Flashbacks of "Everything is All Right," times a million.

[Edit: One day later, I realize how fucking wrong I was about that assessment. Even though I take umbrage with the incorrect usage of a comma rather than a semi-colon or period, what a great song!]


Is it possible for an album to be milquetoast and awesome at the same time? If so, Exhibit A, ladies and gentlemen.

4/5 *_*

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