Monday, September 15, 2008


First, let me clear up some possible confusion before I make an oblique point: Psychedelic Kimchi is not going the way of the dinosaur, by which I mean that this blog will not be in a museum someday. What last night's post ambiguously indicated is that I, Eoin Forbes, don't have enough time to blog, and I won't again until March of next year. I gotta chase that paper, yo; so I'm going to be working extra-long hours* until that time.


Let's play hangman. B_ _ _ _ ng, you're my home.

* not as a male pimp, regrettably


  1. You're taking a six-month hiatus and you use 'Going Back to Cali', arguably the least comprehensible song of our generation, as your 'gone fishing' sign?

  2. It's a blog. They're as disposable as the women in Itaewon. Kick it to the curb and get living.
