Thursday, July 17, 2008


Word to Aaron Neville and Linda Rondstadt, I don't know much, but I know I love you. All of you. Anything other than that is pretty hit or miss, especially when it comes to predicting the lasting appeal of recently-released films, albums, or flavored condoms (I used to like banana, but now it always makes me feel like I'm at the dentist's).

Blame the Internet, where Early Word has become the Holy Bible of opinion. Everyone wants to be the first to proclaim the newest thing The Next Big Thing, and people like me not only lap it up, we, through some form of fucked-up osmosis [It's called influence -- Ed], start doing it ourselves. I've been guilty of calling shit Shinola -- we all have* -- myself, but time (word to El Debarge, Boyz II Men, Above the Law, and myself) will reveal. Like Anna Kournikova posing for Playboy.

My point is,

(salmon tastes too fishy)


(loves me; it's true. Not like you do.)

knows the lasting appeal of anything, save for maybe water. I predict water will still be popular in the 22nd century. Call me crazy.

That said, I don't think it's too far-fetched to say that Arcade Fire's Neon Bible is the the greatest album of the past 10 years.

That badboy has legs.

* The opposite also applies. For example, the backlash on Indy IV: a pretty fucking nifty flick.

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