Monday, June 30, 2008


June has met its ever-so-timely end and July has sprung to life, and we all know what the first day of July implies, do we not?

Canada Day!

Patriotism, nationalism; it's not like that, and there's nothing wrong with being proud. Enjoy the festive holiday.

For those abroad, make sure to have some fun. Let everyone know that today is a national holiday, and that you shouldn't be working on such a day, but you are at work because you're in a foreign country. Pass out some Canada stickers, pencils, and patches to those lucky enough to be around you.

Have a drink (or five) and feel good about a day that everyone can share. Use the phrase "Back in Canada..." to preface any forthcoming statements, and do so with pride. Several times.

Actually, it's more like there are two great days in July, because three days from now, you can take the opportunity to remind everyone how arrogantly self-centered Americans are with unabashed glee.


Bryan Metro

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