Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Being a Gay Man with a Korean Girlfriend

To those that know me, you know not my true name, shape, or form. To those that love me, you love not my heart, or my face. To those that despise me, you despise neither my deeds, nor my dilemma.

Come what may, do not judge that which you fail to comprehend. If you don't like my style, just say as much, and you'll be privy to the greatest of hissy fits before this twilight -princess- bleeds away from thy weary eyelids.

Sooner or later, you'll understand how I feel, alone and misunderstood by all but that special someone.* I've only done what I have because I crave affection. Is that so wrong? Perhaps it is a set of incorrect behaviors, but rectal fortitude has never been my strong point (alongside my inability to avoid wearing silly couples' clothing).

Don't stray too far from Hongdae, lest you be bitten by the manly bug of manliness.

And I still haven't seen Willow.


[Your guess is as good as mine -- Ed.]

* Our Lord and Savior, Dr. Manhattan.

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