Monday, April 07, 2008

Pride (In the Name of Love)

Have the citizens of Earth -- the important ones who love the god-blessed sport of basketball -- gone completely insane?

Kobe. Garnett. James.

Chris Paul is projected third or fourth (Lebron deserves MVP like I deserve the Man Booker Prize) in MVP voting to those cats? Really?

Come the fuck on.

Prince Paul -- I refuse outright to call him CP3, 'cause my nickname is better -- has put together a season for the ages: his team is first in the DEADLY Western Conference, and my magic 8-ball says that's exactly where they'll finish the season. In first. Sure, they'll probably get bumped out of the 'offs in the 2nd round (possibly first if they face the Nuggets), but give credit -- word to Guru -- where it's due.

Give Kobe the mivip and he's this year's Dirk (first round exito); give it to KG and piss off Shaq, who did the exact same thing for the Heat in '05-06; Hold on...

If Chris Paul were white...?

Oh, I'm going there. I'm also saying that were Prince Paul in the league a lot longer than he's been (three years), he'd be a shoe-in.

But for some fucked up reason we can't set a (funky) precedent. He's too young. Don't want to blow up the kid's ego too soon.

See, the NBA, as much as I love it, doesn't reward quick progress, no matter how phenominal. And in Paul's case it's pretty fucking outstanding. And non-vaingloriously. Extra points.

Again, the Hornets didn't make the 'offs last year. This year, they're taking the tight West.

Give. It. Up.

This is exactly like the time when The Wire didn't receive any Emmys.

(I'm going to fill this post with one-sentence paragraphs until someone recognizes just how

large my penis is

remarkable the Hornets' season has been. And it's all due to Paul.)

Don't hate youth, old fuckers who report on b-ball.

Chris Paul is the MVP. And if you disagree, you've probably watched more ball this year.

Don't get it cloudy.

Someone's gonna die.

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