Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Intro Music (to a Film)

Never have I been happier to listen to Burrito talk and manlove for myself, but the P-Kast shit needs theme music and, preferably, a voiceover from Meathammer.

How about this shit?

Buy the elbow when I drop it.

Say K'mochi.


  1. Oh. Hell. Yeah.

    PKast Volume 2.0 this Sunday. Who's in?

  2. If we can do it whilst devouring chicken wings, then yes, I am all for the PKast.

  3. I can probably do your guys' Sunday. Coming back from a trip late Sat. Lemme know on a time. If Denz is in we have to get as close to a quorum as possible. I don't have as good an excuse as a pregnant wife.

  4. Can I be in this PKast? Denz misinterpreted my Spring Break announcement: I would like to make up for lost time.

    List my Hail Marys gents...
