Saturday, December 08, 2007

Five Years

I turned 28 the other day. No, no, please. Save your sympathy. There are those more deserving.

But for some reason, when I turned 28 it started me thinking about when I was 23. Five years ago. When I first went to Korea. Two of my favorite movies then were Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl and Master and Commander: Far Side of the World.

I guess I was on a seafaring kick.

But I did. I loved those movies. Then I saw Piates of the Caribbean 2. I don't remember what the subtitle was. So, of course, having seen that, I didn't bother to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3 in the theaters.

But it just came out on DVD. So I put it on the ol' Netflix queue.

And it stunk. Hard. Don't get me wrong. From here on out I will officially pretend that Pirates of the Caribbean was a one off, and that there were no sequels. You have been forewarned.

But at one point, after he's risen from the dead in Pirates of the Caribbean 3, Captain Jack Sparrow is heard to announce, after someone tries to tell him, "The world is smaller now, Jack":

"No. The world's still the same. There's just less in it."

And it occurred to me that that's the biggest difference between being 23 and turning 28. That's the difference of five years, summed up right there.

In a fucking Disney movie.

The world's still the same. There's just less in it.


  1. Wait until you start pushing 40.

    Then you'll really get a sense of "Where did the wonder of being alive go?"

  2. I've always tested well above my age for self pity.
