Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Dead People Party VI

U-God: I did it yesterday, when you weren't looking. It wasn't intentional, but I achieved my desired effect.

Perhaps you saw me pacing around the room, looking nervous. I didn't want to go through with it, but when you ignored my attempt to start a conversation, I knew I had to. I'll show you, I thought.

There's something poetic about it. To me. I never really wanted to die; I did so to prove a point. To you.

When I walked out and wrapped that nylon rope around my neck, I expected someone to come out looking for me a lot sooner. Standing in the stairwell above, I listened carefully. I took sixty deep breaths while silence and my racing pulse shook my head and down below my bowels screamed. I heard nothing else, as though I were under water. I imagined you sipping a warm beer, looking bored, and then I jumped.

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