Thursday, October 25, 2007

The PK 27 --

I'm not living
I'm just killing time
Your tiny hands
Your crazy killer smile

I don't mean to taunt PK's most prolific commentator, but, Flash, it's been almost 2 weeks since that promised review of In Rainbows. Has the make-up of anticipation worn off yet? Inquiring minds, and all that other good stuff.

Fuck numerals (and all that other good stuff), this entry to the PK 27 is "True Love Waits," by Radiohead*. I don't mean to be cheeky by including 2 old Radiohead songs on this malleable list; i just can't help it that, for the past couple of weeks, I've been listening to old Radiohead songs, trying to bring back the emotions of something incredible. In Rainbows, while a great album, reminds me of a time not long ago, in which I spent most of my waking hours waiting for something incredible to happen, and being reminded that the two people who inspired me the most were on -- seperate -- continents far apart.

Back then (late-January, this was), I wrote TLW on my cell phone's idle display screen, and, although I didn't realize it at the time, I cribbed that shit in '02 when I first heard Live Recordings and TLW.

Back then (early March, this was), "I'm just killing time" was my maxim. And I didn't realize I cribbed it again, either.

MVP, EKG, life is full of important acronyms**, but none moreso than TLW.

That baby's still on my phone. Because while one precious gem has returned, the Hope Diamond, while in safe keeping, remains away.

Not. For. Long.


* Not to be confused with "Tom Waits Waits," also by Radiohead

** Word to TMH. Not a fan of DP or VD, however. OPP...maybe.

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