Thursday, October 11, 2007

The PK 27 -- Track 27

Anyone who has watched either or both of the two documentaries focused on Wilco's creative process ("Man in the Sand" and "I am Trying to Break Your Heart") can't help but be led to two conclusions:

1.) Jeff Tweedy is a total dick.

2.) Jeff Tweedy writes amazing songs which, when put together, make amazing albums.

Luckily, I have never been of the mind that I have to like the people whose art I consume as if they were my friends. I, after all, grew up with Oasis (word to Denz). Therefore, please find attached, Wilco doing "California Stars," off an album they did consisting of old, rediscovered lyrics from Woody Guthrie. Billy Bragg is also ostensibly a contributor to that album; luckily for you I've found a performance that doesn't involve him (sorry Denz).

There is power in a union. Oh yeah, like what? The power to get crack-backed in negotiations by management and have your workers' asses back at the Chrysler plant six hours after they left? Commies suck. Viva la capital.

****This post is delivered completely free of references to all things Radiohead for that small number of our readership that enjoys bands that are making relevant music and have not not exceeded their expired-on date by about a decade now. You're welcome. The rest of you, that's not the emperor's zipper you're looking at.****