Saturday, October 20, 2007

The PK 27 -- Track 10 (out of a possible score of 10)

Two years ago, or whenever it was that the PK-27 concept was first launched, we gave you a grand design for what it all meant. We promised an auditory manifestation of what the Kimchi Psyche is all about. Or maybe we didn't, I don't actually recall.

Truth told, I've been reading the submissions and, well, I have a confession -- I'm not sure what the lads are on about half the time. My comrades have been employing big words, obscure musical preferences and pictures that I assume would make a Foucault major flop out and jerk his panopticon. But sometimes it all goes over my head. Maybe it's because I'm antipodean. More likely it is something to do with the Coriolis Effect, but some of the PK-27s have left me saying 'what?'

I don't presume to be the final word on these matters, for the grand design is Caesar's at the end of the day. However, I do have a simple appeal to my brethren - let's get back to basics. Or at the very least, leave me a fucking map.

In view of my call to arms, I dedicate my next track to women. Because often, to paraphrase Blind William G, PK is about girls.

To the untrained eye, the Psychedelic Kimochi submissions would appear to be little more than another uninspired web-based instance of binary misogyny. That would be a fair call, but don't confuse us with your everyday misogynists. Beneath our superficial exterior lies an admiration and respect for women that is unbounded and, where weather and by-laws permit, covered in baby oil.

What people don't understand is that the Kimochi submissions are part subterfuge. Hidden beneath these tributes to the feminine form, my brothers and I dig a tunnel. A tunnel we hope will lead us out of the mindless cesspool that is the current internet. We seek a better world, preferably on a beach in Mexico, where the internet is about beauty, poetry and restoring old boats. In the meantime, we will continue to pay homage to girls.

And by 'we' I mean the non-gay contributors.

1 comment:

  1. "More likely it is something to do with the Coriolis Effect, but some of the PK-27s have left me saying 'what?'"

    Learn to roll with what IDJ writes, and life will be easier.
