Thursday, October 04, 2007

Happiness pt. 3

What a difference a year makes. For instance, nearly a month ago I posted Track 4 of the vaunted PK 27, Jesse Winchester's "Step by Step," a song which was brought to my attention by the finale of The Wire's inaugural season. Back in late-2006, by my own estimate and research, it was harder to find Osama bin Laden or the Gräfenberg spot than Winchester's gem of a song. Nowadays, not so much. Word to Wikipedia and word of mouth*.


This time last year (as recently as 4 months ago, even), I was mourning the death of my passion for video games, an affliction that the illustrious and praiseworthy K-Hot could not resurrect, despite a valiant effort. (Word to Marvel Ultimate Alliance and snake whisky.) These days, not so much -- thanks to the Nintendo DS, aka The Little Handheld that Could, pka Psychedelic Methadone. Yeah, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass -- while a kickass game -- is just my way of transitioning toward the Wii and Twilight Princess; but even if I don't make the grade, I'm still good. I still remember my roots.


Speaking of which, in terms of hip-hop music, El-P's sophomore effort, I'll Sleep When You're Dead, helped soften the blow that the best hip-hop release of last year was the Roots' Game Theory. By no means is that meant as a slight on the Roots for delivering a very good album, but when your competition is none, you're only no. 1 by default. And when -- I never believed I'd see the day, either -- the current-best hip-hop label, Definitive Jux, is fronted mostly by a bunch of white guys, there has to be some pride at stake, no?


It's October 4th. Last year, 'bout this time, the weather was a lot warmer. I remember it was above 20 degrees Celcius by the end of the month, then. This year we had a spell in early-September where it seemed as though an early fall was coming, but then a warm front hit to remind me that good things come to those wait. And wait some more.


Perhaps if I were more literal and not

(such a control freak)

the ghost of vague wisdom I've become, I'd explain all about the promise that spring and autumn winds hold. How they get up in your nostrils and harken a primordial instinct when you least suspect. A drive that propels you. To reason, ruin, or somewhere in between. Perhaps to arrogance. (Hey, it's better than amateur poetry.)


To quote Sheryl Crow, if it makes you happy, it can't be that bad.

I'm happy. Happier than a lark.


[It's Tuesday, February 10th, 2009. On Mars. Still smiling, but wondering whether or not I was happier on October 5th, 2007. Will research.]

* although I trust neither

1 comment:

  1. I've heard the DS is as addictive as crack.

    I've been avoiding getting one just in case it doesn't live up to that promise.
