Sunday, September 02, 2007

The PK 27 (Why 27?) Track (Some number goes here--talk to the editor.)


Shout to the Top--
The Style Council

I realized by reading the posts of the other PK staff writers how heavily this whole PK 27 concept (which I still don't fully understand: Why 27? What's with the number order? Who the hell approved an Oasis track? JTC...) relies on the 5th Estate(TM): Youtube.

So, I have gone ahead and changed all of my initial choices (as told to the stylin' six) as I can't find good versions of them online. Instead, I'll start off with a little subtext and context and Paul Weller's post-Jam, post-Punk, post-partum party of four, The Style Council.

Ah, the modfather had become truly moddish. But to provide the promised context let us remember young Paul's roots:

I've always said that the performance of a truly dynamic duo could be made in the meeting of the blue-collar, local boy socialist sensibilities of The Modfather and The Boss. Envision our avuncular bards together on the same stage, acoustic guitars in hand. Can you hear Bruce's version of "That's Entertainment" or Paul's rendition of "Born to Run"?* See it?**

Goose bumps were cliché only until just then.

Alas, this congress of genius seems unlikely in the extreme. Therefore, let's satisfy ourselves with the British equivalent of "Born to Run" played by Paul, supported by a talentless hackey who barely deserves to be among the audience, much less sharing the stage.

Paul's nothing if not magnanimous.

Sidenote: Hopefully you will all forgive me, but I will no longer be able to maintain the blistering pace of posting you have come to expect. I am on a weekends-only schedule (unless I change my mind sometime) and appreciate your patience.

And that's what I needed to say in New York City,9 days shy of six years after the Twin Towers burned.

*I won't blaspheme in the general direction of our readers from across the pond by hypothesizing how Mr. Weller's take on "Born in th USA" would manifest. Oops. Did that just enter your mind...?

**Now imagine Young William and Tony providing backup in a true show of bi-lateralism. (Getting carried away, aren't I?)

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