Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Tiberious Meat Hammer!


I swear to God I didn't write that myself. Truthfully, I don't know whether to be repulsed or greatly honored. Let's go with the latter by a nose.

"Whosoever holds this meat hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of...Tiberious!"

Eat your heart out, Mjolnir.


  1. Dude, if that picture doesn't scream 'Hook a brother up with some -more- angel dust, K' then I don't know what would.

  2. Holy carp! I just realized -- in the bathroom, naturally -- that Tiberious Meat Hammer initialized is TMH.

    Synergy. Dig it.

  3. "Dude, if that picture doesn't scream 'Hook a brother up with some -more- angel dust, K' then I don't know what would."

    I was thinking more along the lines of "You're curious to see my meat hammer, aren't you? I may be Dr. Donald Blake by day, but in the evening I become...The Mighty Thor!"

    (Unless I become a werewolf, that is.)

    Seriously, it could be June 25th looming, but I'm noticing a lot of freaky shit these days: Kobe's number is "move" in Korean, the TMH thing, that weird face I can vaguely see under the "I love BJ's in the hallway at the Super 8" pic...and some college student stopped me on the street today, slapped me, and told me I shouldn't bother calling her anymore if I couldn't even find the stamina to cook eggs the morning after a night of red-hot lovin'.

    Then she said I should haul ass back to Iowa. What the hell? I've never even been to Iowa!

    Must be a full moon.


  4. Dude, I believe I know that place and that time and who may be sitting across from you and next to you.

    Oh, hell yeah.

  5. By the way...don't look for an adequate discussion of the ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT Children of Men on certain websites--you are going to attract all kinds of uninformed opinions.

    That Don Gately wanker, z.B.

    Might be a discussion worthy of lengthy PK treatment, however...

  6. Only discussion of a movie as crappy as "Children of Men" could awake the long-dormant juggernaut that is Don Gately.

    He bestrides that site like a colossus.
