Saturday, June 09, 2007


It seems that Psychedelic Kimchi's favorite songstress is pushing a new product, which is a tea accentuated by the flavor of corn or, precisely, corn tassel (옥수수 수염 차). The new product that she's promoting is not terribly impressive insomuch that, having sampled said 'drink' (and I use that term as loosely as Adam Corolla uses the phrase comedian to describe his profession) I can attest, with no exaggeration whatsoever, that I'd rather ingest Enerst Borgnine's urine*.

Should I dismay the conduct of PK's resident dryad**? Nope. As vile a concoction as Corn Tassel Tea is, BoA cannot be faulted for her actions. She is, after all, promoting a derivative of corn and I, bred from the land of corn (and pesticides, but that's how we roll on Tainted Soil) applaud her sensibilities.

Her devotion to corn invariably suggests her predilection for me, as opposed to some other, vagrant contributor***. That's what counts.

Eddie Quist

* Okay, I probably wouldn't, unless he were dressed up as Sergeant 'Fatso' Judson or Dominic Santini.

** 'She's a dryad?' Yes, as Psychedelic Kimchi is the veritable Tree of Mystery.

*** Click on the picture, if you're willing to unravel that harrowing enigma.