Monday, March 12, 2007

You know a guy is the Baron of Bundang when:

A) He offers up a toast like 'Cheers to Terry Michos!' and people are pretty much obliged, nay, enthusiastic, to respond in kind.

B) He -basically- body checks some random guy within Samsung Plaza, and refuses to acknowledge the poor bastard's cries of anger. Furthermore, the man is so powerful that he continues to ignore the chump as the flustered individual's attempt to chase him down is quelled by an associate.

C) Given the offer of a late night 노래방 extravaganza, he accepts, and then counters with 'We need some beer'. While one portion of the group (the one most enamored with the concept of singing their hearts out) ventures forth on an expedition to acquire the aforementioned soma, the man decrees that he doesn't need that song-and-dance shit to fulfill his fantasies, and proceeds to another locale. Singers be damned!

D) Upon hearing that a comrade must depart, he suggests that his associate down a bottle of soju for 'the long bus ride home', even if that bus ride is, in actuality, twenty minutes in length. The other dude is powerless to resist, as the recommendation is merely a posit of the utmost veracity, accentuated by the greatness of the situation.

E) He contends that he built that -Gu on rock 'n' roll (with some assistance from Starship), and again, no one is inclined to disagree.

F) At one point, he removes his Miami Heat jersey and throws it at a random Korean woman, who consequently swoons from the prospect of being so lucky.

This stuff doesn't grow on trees. It takes power, personality, and prowess.

Finally, for those of you who, like myself, lament the sabbatical of the real force behind Psychedelic Kimchi (and to those that played the occasional coin-op game), I offer a final, imperative remark.



  1. I'm gonna wise frum me gwave (absolutely the funniest thing I've seen all week) as soon as I possibly can.

    Fall down 7 times, get up 8. Shit like that.

  2. PS - the Miami Heat have won 9 in a row.
