Friday, December 08, 2006

Rest (Assured)

I know, I always do this.

When I took a TO(J) in October, deep down I knew I'd be back. Not for your sake, rather mine. I'm proud of Psychedelic Kimchi. It's not perfect*, granted, but there are some genuine diamonds amongst the rough. It's getting there. You hear that? It is getting there. Word to John Hirschfelder.

I just needed to recharge the batteries was all. And by batteries I mean "Jack Daniels." By recharge I mean "drink."

Still I kid. Truthfully, I just wanted to be able to come home from work at night and not have to feel as though I had a homework assignment waiting for me. I wanted to listen to music, watch a movie or two, read a book -- whatever. The main thing was that I didn't want to have my evening already set out for me. I wanted to play that shit by ear. You're not the boss of me, Psychedelic Kimchi.

Predictably, I couldn't stay away like Too Short. Break up to make up style, I took a breather** and returned as hard as ever (can I get an Alex DeLarge right-right on that?). Harder, maybe.

It's in my blood. I think, therefore I Psychedelic Kimchi. Resurrection track 10. As long as my heart still beats, I will not leave you.

But I have to step away for a sec due to familial issues. Tomorrow my brother arrives in the ROK, and we're gonna work it out. Word to PE.

Because blood is thicker than Blogger.

(I'll be back.)

* Picture me trying to type that with a straight face.

** If you liked my Memory Lane posts, stayed tuned for Psychedelic Kimchi: The Wilderness Years.

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