Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Psychedelic Kimochi

I don't post pics of South Korea's most popular, sexiest celebrities for the same reason I don't review Beatles albums. Rubber Soul is God's gift to pop music, and Lee Hyori, Jeon Ji-Hyun (seeing them together is the sexy equivalent of Martin and Malcolm shaking hands), Uhm Jung-Hwa and Kim Hye-Soo (The Godmother of Seoul) are hot like metal dining utensils in microwaves and neglected pets/children in minivans with the windows rolled up.

That's given. You need me to tell you they're attractive like Masuimi Max needs a fifth nipple; but after perusing the above pic I can't let shit slide like Bran Flakes. Lee Hyori has achieved a tier of sexiness hitherto accomplished by very few. In fact, she's gotten so sexy that, much like Pamela Anderson in her prime (before she effed up her face and chest), it's become passe to annoint her as such, en vogue to call her "nothing special."

But that's crazy talk. Let it ring from the hallowed halls of babedom: Lee Hyori is the sexiest woman alive

(whom I've never interviewed nor am married to)


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