Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Know Thine Enemy

Q: Why do vegetarians insist that their diet is so humane? Plants are living things too!

A: Plants do not have a nervous system and therefore do not feel pain. They also are not noted for their emotional responses. If you want to test this for yourself try the following...

The next time you are walking by a tree stick a pin in it and see if it yelps or makes any kind of protest (it doesn't have to be a tree for the puposes of this experiment...any other type of plant would do just as well).

Weak. Plants live, they have a lifespan -- and in fact they may be more spiritual than animals. Ever heard of photosynthesis? That's some far-out shit. Besides, I've never seen humans, dogs, or cows complement a work of art with their background the same way trees and leaves do.

The fact that plants don't have a brain exempts them from pity? Maybe the fact that bovines and canines lack adequate conversational skills and can't dribble a basketball fails to elicit a lack of pity from others. Ever think about that, lumberjacks?

Plants have souls. And they're killers just like us:

Think about that the next time you tuck into a veggie burger; for, unbeknownst to you, the consumer may quickly became the consume.

Better to get them before they get you.

Be ever vigilant, my veggie friends. Your chosen lifestyle is very risky.

Please, educate yourselves. Don't fall victim to the agricultural industry's evil scheme.

(Ripe for the picking, I'm sad to say.)


  1. Quote:
    Weak. Plants live, they have a lifespan
    While it's true that plants have lives they are not the most exciting fact it has long been suspected by scientists that the reason plants produce drugs,heroin hallucinogenics etc is a desperate attempt to escape the drudgery... in this regard they should be more pitied than punished

    -- and in fact they may be more spiritual than animals. Ever heard of photosynthesis?

    (I should point out for those of you who are hoping to make it to heaven that the ability to photosynthesize is not widely regarded as a prerequisite. I think the ability to photosynthezize taken as evidence of sprituality in this instance is somewhat idiosyncratic).

    That's some far-out *beep*.
    Besides, I've never seen humans, dogs, or cows complement a work of art with their background the same way trees and leaves do.

    (This argument again I feel is a tad subjective)

    The fact that plants don't have a brain exempts them from pity? Maybe the fact that bovines and canines lack adequate conversational skills and can't dribble a basketball fails to elicit a lack of pity from others. Ever think about that, lumberjacks?

    I bow to your superior knowledge of cows, however I have had all my life a close relationship with dogs and any communication I've had with them has been much more satisfactory and more warmly reciprocated than that I've had with plants. I'm not however a noted tree- hugger, and it may perhaps be that aloofness that has caused plants to (so far) spurn my attempts at small talk. (I've also found dogs to be much more willing participants in a game of 'fetch'!)

    Plants have souls. And they're killers just like us:

    Think about that the next time you tuck into a veggie burger; for, unbeknownst to you, the consumer may quickly became the consume.

    Better to get them before they get you.

    Be ever vigilant, my veggie friends. Your chosen lifestyle is very risky.

    Please, educate yourselves. Don't fall victim to the agricultural industry's evil scheme.

    I confess I'm at a loss to know why you've seen fit to include this photograph of a vegetable in your rebuttal , unless by it's passing resemblance to a human you are hoping to engage my vain I'm sympathies are not so easily won!

    (Ripe for the picking, I'm sad to say.)

    posted by Sparkles*_* at 1:10 AM

  2. There's a T shirt I like with
    "how many f*****g plants died for your salad?"
    seems appropriate :)
