Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Bright Lights, Big City

Bright Lights, Big City is the story of a young man who moves to the titular Big City -- New York, I think -- and has lots of interesting experiences there. He does a lot of coke, and then things start going bad for him. Only in Hollywood, right?

Anyway, he has this brother with whom he talks to on the phone. They talk about sailboats. And the New England Patriots. But when Bright Lights's brother tells him their mother has died, things get real serious.

Bright Lights does some more coke, his girlfriend -- played by the inimitable Phoebe Cates -- yells at him, and things get real tense. Seriously, you could cut the tension in this movie WITH A KNIFE.

The film's climax sees Bright Lights's brother, 60-Watt Lightbulb, overdose on cocaine. It's all very ironic.

(OK, I've never actually seen Bright Lights, Big City, nor have I read the book, but try and tell me you weren't absolutely riveted by that synopsis. And then try it again, only this time not lying.)


  1. I was quite surprised when you mentioned Joosuc's Last man standing. I'm not a great rapper but I've been rapping for some time.. Check out my version of
    'Last man Standing'here..

    Unfortunately, my passion for hiphop died after creating 1st verse so it will remain incomplete just like 100 other songs I recorded and created..

  2. The interesting thing about Jay McInerey's novel Bright Lights, Big City is that it is written entirely in the second-person, e.g., "You go to the office. You see your boss. You don't like your boss."

    I don't know how this translated to film as I never saw the movie.
