Friday, July 28, 2006

Don't it Make My Bland Beer Blue

It usually takes me several dozen beers before I start seeing double, so I was astonished to see, completely sober, the striking resemblance between the Oriental Brewing Company's redesign of their beer, and Labatt's flagship pilsener. Even their websites are nearly identical:

OB Blue Zone? C'mon!

Personally, I am utterly shocked that a Korean company has ripped off the concept and design of a western product. When has that ever happened before?

What's next, Cass Blue Ribbon? Hite Life?

Here's the real kicker: apparently BLUE stands for "Brewing of Low temperature matUration & fErmentation". I wish I were joking.


  1. Actually, the 2 websites are totally different.

  2. If by "totally different" you meant "almost exactly alike," then I agree with you 100%

  3. Not a surprise given that both are part of of the InBev family:

    Looks like it's now "BigBeer" to go along with "BigTobaco" "BigPharma" and "BigOil"

  4. Maybe Labatts or Interbrew bought some shares in OB?
    Didn't Lee Ho-ri get sued for ripping off a Britney Spears song? I'm not familiar with what happened there.

  5. This is Asia.

    "Copyright? Whuzzat?"

    Now, if you'll excuse me. I have to go shop at IGA Mart before I head out to The Blues Brothers bar tonight.
