Sunday, July 30, 2006

Charlie Bucket

I've edited a past Psychedelic Kimchi Post to include the phrase Golden Ticket. The first reader to find it wins his/her own blog post, which I will not censor. Pinky swear.

How's that for a gimmick?


  1. The term "mixed-race" sounds so Josef Mengele to me. Why can't these reporters use the word "biracial" instead?

  2. Well considering the reporter is Korean, I'll cut him some slacks.

    Many of the terminologies used in Korea are politically incorrect.

    They don't have the means to correct it though as the general public don't have the awareness to point it out when it comes to English.

    For example, Koreans use 'Black' instead of 'African American'.

  3. Can someone please cut me some slacks? Or at least a pair of shorts.

  4. That's great news but let's be honest, it won't do much to change the perception of most Koreans. If it does, we won't see it in our lifetime.

    Korea has a history of being an isolated, xenophobic nation that looks down on different races. Yet ironically I remember sensing a bit of an inferiority complex when I, a caucasian, discussed certain subjects with Koreans...go figure.
