Saturday, June 03, 2006

Roy Neary

This means something. This is important.

This is better than Goofy Golf!


  1. Do you really feel that confident relying on A.Walker and J.Williams?


  2. Absolutely. Haven't you watched the Heat play these past 3 series?

    Bring on the Mavs!

  3. The Heat played the Bulls and the Nets. Unimpressive.

    Pistons? I don't know who on the Heat sold his soul to the devil.

    Walker and Williams. The clock will strike midnight at some point, right? Two journeymen who have been cut from winning teams at some point.

    Just cross your fingers Wade and Shaq can score 80 between them every game.

  4. Shaq is overweight, way too slow, and can't hit free throws etc...
    This is the last run for Miami with Shaq because his production only goes down, and has been going down for some time. Dallas in 6.
