Wednesday, June 07, 2006

No time for the old in-out, luv

He passed out of the house and down the street. A wan delight came into his face at the sight of the lone tree. "Jes' ain't goin' to do nothin'," he said to himself, half aloud, in a crooning tone.

The Apostate, Jack London

"It's a lot of baloney and I'm tired."

Pete Bancini in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

The hardest part of stopping is starting again. When I decided to take it a little easier in June, I thought I'd still post something worthwhile (insert appropriate but Sparkles, you never post anything worthwhile joke here) every other day, but I can't even be bothered to do that. In essence, I'm pulling a Vince Carter: quitting when it matters. This is, after all, the first month of Psychedelic Kimchi's 2nd year. I should be working harder than ever. At least I feel that I should.

But I just don't have it in me. Maybe it's the oncoming hot weather; maybe it's a lack of iron; maybe it's because I'm a lazy bastard. It's probably a combination of those, plus a few other things. Regardless, I'm not doing my job (okay, my hobby); and I hereby promise that a resurgence will occur come July.

So no Memory Lane this month, no Catcher in the Lye (like anyone cares, right?); no Top Hip-Hop Songs this month, at least from me. Shit, I'm not even going to write an NBA Finals preview (the Heat are going to fucking win that badboy, though, make no mistake).

Instead, I'm going to make June a transition month. I'll perhaps post something new every day from now until the 30th, but, as evidenced by my last few posts, they'll be quickies.


Your Friendly Neighborhood Slack-Ass

PS - The Spring Cleaning review of Seven Samurai is coming before the 21st, though.

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