Monday, May 29, 2006

Psychedelic Kimchi: Year Two

With all the excitement of the Miami Heat destroying the Pistons yesterday, I completely forgot that it was Psychedelic Ketchup's one-year anniversary. My bad. Anyway, to commemorate my outstanding commitment to...something, I hereby give you a hand-picked collection of my favorite blog posts of the past year. And, no, none of them are about basketball.

I Have a Poor Diet

Billy Mitchell, Pac-Man Champion

Taking Care of the 18th Letter

Good Samaritan

The Sins of the Father...

Haircut Horror

Baby Face

Green Meat

The 18th Letter's B-Day

Aqua Boogie



The New, Improved Immigration

Chloe Sevigny Sucks (I get a ton of viewers to the site from that one)

Potatoes: The Silent Killer (ditto, oddly)


Lethargy (unfortunately for my wife, it wouldn't last)

We Wish You a Merry Chuseok


Memory Lane I

Samsung's All-Seeing Eye

Why I Love Jaws

Memory Lane II

H.P. Pukecraft

Memory Lane 3

The Warriors

The Other, Other David Copperfield

Memory Lane IV

Christmas In Bundang

Hell, aka E-Mart

Psychedelic Kimochi 1

Psychedelic Kimochi 2

Mr. Mom 2

Memory Lane V

Things That Smell Like...Daffodils (I promise never to get any cruder than this)



Movies for the Sick

Psychedelic Kimochi 3

The Korean Drama Drinking Game

Hot Dogs

Memory Lane VI

Nice Shirt, Flag

Top Hip-Hop Albums (100-75)

Top Hip-Hop Albums (74-50)

Top Hip-Hop Albums (49-25)

Top Hip-Hop Albums (24-1)

Not Psychedelic Kimochi


More Random Stuff

Anatomy of a Hoax

Mr Mom 3 (my favorite post)

Total Eclipse of the Kubrick

Annoying TV People

April Fool's

Memory Lane VII

Psychedelic Kimochi 4

I Keep Holden On

The Pandora Experiment, pt. 1

The Pandora Experiment, pt. 2

The Pandora Experiment, pt. 3

Even More Random Stuff

I Just Caulfield To Say I love You

The Resurrection


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