Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Go Time

Teacher: What do you want to do with your life?!
Fat Kid Student: I wanna rock!

-Twisted Sister, "I Wanna Rock"

I think the smokes say it all, kids, time for me and the Better Half to take that big freedom bird and rotate back to the world.

Spark, I'm really sorry but all I can say about the 18th Letter and her present that I was supposed to bring on Sunday is:

But seriously, man, we be flying on Sunday so dinner is out. Nobody's more disappointed than me, but we got some opportunities there we can't say "no" to. Are you guys ballin' in the 'Dang on Saturday? Maybe I could stop by for that. I haven't touched a ball in two and a half years, so I wouldn't score at all, but I can still defend and board. That's like riding a bike. Plus we won't take any shit. I'll be McSorley to your Gretzky.

All you other crazy kids, keep your peckers hard and your powder dry. I'll try to get on here and post from time to time but I don't see us being able to afford a personal internet connection in Smalltownville, Central Washington for a while so they may be few and far between.

Tap 'er light.

1 comment:

  1. Let me also say this: Mariners closer to first place (3 games out) than they are to the cellar (3.5 games) and they're on a four game winning streak and Felix hasn't even pulled his head out of his ass yet. Imagine what will happen when he gets it together.

    Johjima, best Japanese signing since, well, you know.

    If that's not a time to move back to Washington State I dunno what is.
